Network of AIDS Services Organizations herein referred to as NASO is a membership organization that is composed of different NGO/CSOs/CBOs and other grassroots organizations working in the area of HIV/AIDS/SRHR either prevention, treatment, care or support. NASO’s mandate is to;
1. Strengthen capacities of its members,
2. Assist in the mobilization of funds for its members,
3. Conduct advocacy,
4. Sharing of strategic information and
5. Conduct research.
6. Implement Projects

To oversee the affairs of the organization, NASO is headed by an Executive Committee which consists of 11-members and is comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, a Public Relations Officer and other members. It also has 2 technical advisers. The president is the head of the organization.
There is a secretariat headed by the Program Manger from where the day to day activities of NASO are conducted. Also, at the secretariat level, there different departments ranging from program, M&E, Finance, social welfare and health PAF IMPLEMENTATION (2011)
Partnership Agreement Fund – PAF project was funded by the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV and AIDS – UNAIDS. NASO serves as a coordinating body for implementation. UNAIDS provided the funds to NASO in the context of a Programme for the implementation of a project on Addressing the vulnerability of youth, girls and other most-at-risk populations to HIV


This project was also funded by the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV and AIDS - UNAIDS. NASO serves as an implementing body and the activities implemented includes

FEVE2 Implementation (2011-2015)

The ‘Borders and Vulnerabilities to HIV in West Africa (FEVE) project is a cross-border project which is being carried out in eight West African countries Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger and Senegal. The project period is 5 years and its aim is to address issues related to HIV/AIDS/STIs and cross border since borders in West Africa are porous with high mobility of people. The project beneficiaries include health care providers, long distance truck drivers, inter-country traders, security personnel and other MARPS. The project is funded by Luxemburg cooperation through ENDA SANTE which also serves as coordinating body.


The "Borders and Vulnerabilities to HIV" (FEVE) programme conceived as a regional project, initially around four countries (Senegal, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau and Guinea) forming a coherent territory in the response to HIV, has been enriched over the course of its implementation, thanks to the dynamics of capacity building, sharing of experiences and cross- border animation, to acquire the dimension of a real program bringing together 5 other countries (Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Côte d'Ivoire).
FEVE is:
• A network of solidarity actors who reinforce and complement each other
• A network of national partners between FEVE countries
• A single goal (at the regional level); a single general objective (at regional level); specific objectives harmonized and adapted according to the capacities of the different countries at the financial, technical, human level and according to the size of the key populations targeted.
• A single monitoring and evaluation system; harmonization of practices, activities, definitions and strategies.
• A minimum standard harmonized with all 9 countries taking into account the differences in the contexts of intervention.

The FEVE project was implemented in The Gambia from 2016 to 2021 and has contributed enormously to the provision of HIV prevention and management services, particularly for key populations.
As a result, the capacities of 35 health care providers and 60 peer health educators were built and 4 health facilities were equipped with ICT equipment for PVIP management in cross-border areas.
In addition, 2277 beneficiaries were sensitized to HIV/STIs, 1370 key populations tested for HIV and 117 were HIV-positive and 973 beneficiaries were consulted for STIs.
In addition, due to the innovation and effectiveness of the FEVE beneficiary coding system in The Gambia, it has been adapted by the authorities to other key population intervention programmes implemented in The Gambia.

Fund For Innovation Project (F2I) 2018-2019)

This cross border project implemented by Souther Senegal, The Gambia and Guinea Bissau. The project aims to ensure that key population, despite their high mobility, have access to health
facilities beyond borders. An online cross border platform has been created and functional to health services accessible and affordable Frontline Project Rapid Response Project (2021):
This project was funded by Frontline rapid response Fund and implemented by NASO for duration of three months. The aim of the project was to reduce stigma and discrimination among vulnerable groups.

FEVE IMPLUSE (2021-2026)

The "Borders and Vulnerabilities to HIV in West Africa" (FEVE) programme, supported by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (MAEE) and coordinated by Enda Sante, was evaluated for implementation from July 2016 to December 2018, through an innovative evaluation process: the Peer Review. This mid-term evaluation described the programme as a relevant programme, aligned with the broad guidelines of the national response, effective and well appropriated by the various partners.

The FEVE IMPLUSE project is part of the UNAIDS global AIDS strategy 2021-2026, as well as the Gambia National Strategic Plan (2021-2025), while ensuring the consolidation of the Gambia’s achievements of the FEVE3 project (2016-2021) in West Africa. A project of regional scope, FEVE IMPLUSE, aims to contribute, in an effective way, to the strengthening of the health system in the countries of intervention, to allow access to the prevention and testing of HIV and associated diseases for vulnerable populations and difficult to access, to offer access to quality health care, contribute to the reduction of the vulnerability generally to the beneficiaries and strengthen communication, partnership and cross-border collaboration among the FEVE Network in the 9 West African Countries.
In the Gambia, FEVE IMPLUSE concentrated mainly on cross border areas which is experiencing important dynamics of cross-border mobility, particularly searching health and care, economic, social and cultural activities